Images for editorial use

Some of the images available at ScanStockPhoto contain recognisable faces/humans and/or trademarks/landmarks /logos/art/etc and are available for sale, without the image being property and/or model released. In such cases it will be a note adjacent to the image stating:
Editorial use only

Images for editorial use can only be used by legitimate mass media, presumed to be unbiased, which reaches a large, anonymous audience.

"Anonymous" is defined as available to anyone in the coverage area.

"Large" is vague, but a circulation of 2,000 is often cited as a minimum. The medium may carry advertising.

Customarily Acceptable Editorial Uses include the following:

- Newspaper Articles and Feature Stories which are associated with the images use.
- Magazine Articles and Feature Stories which are associated with the images use.
- Internet (Web) Articles and Feature Stories which are associated with the images use.
- Books on topic.

If you are in doubt of your use is editorial or you feel your usage is in a grey area, please send us an e-mail at and ask for an advice.

Scandinavian Stockphoto AS


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